Adult Children & Algorithms
Can I just express that I don’t think there are any adults in the world? The psychology world has announced the concept of “adult children '' into the zeitgeist with an almost sickening acceptance rate among any parent in our society. I just assumed there were more parents in the world who would be irate that their peers have been slacking at a catastrophically impacting rate. Nope, not a blink. What unprecedented times, indeed.
As I’ve been compiling our non-profit administrative components, and putting ideas to paper, I see the algorithm at work, and I genuinely feel attacked. My algorithm continues to show me how hectic, difficult, and a waste of time being a non-profit is, how no money donated to nonprofits goes to what is stated, etc. All just negative or ominous connotations to the concept. It clearly sees me trying to create a simple concept from the ground up. Can’t have that in 2024.
It’s unfortunate that the algorithm doesn’t give me the actual answers I would like simplified, instead, it serves as a gatekeeper to the knowledge I seek behind a paywall, a superfluous middle-managing service, or the answer in terms no one but a corporate lawyer would be able to clarify for someone unfamiliar with terms, but fully capable with the concepts. (There are book references on the better sites, but still, I thought we were doing this ‘algorithm method’ to circumnavigate the research part!)
It’s truly a space created by the illiterate in effigy to the pre-algorithmic interaction we once had. Make the internet harder again! I could actually find what I needed when it didn’t think it knew what I needed first. Worst codependent relationship, ever.
I got what I needed done, so here we go, starting on the website and fundraising…this should go much better, right?